One of the friends I've made since been in the desert is named Sunny Sealeopard. She is a very humany woman with a very animally name. She is an OG member of Y.O.B.S. which is a bicycle co-op and a D.I.Y. show space in these neck of the woods. There's really no woods, that's just an expression. Anyways, Sealeopard is also in a band called The Teeets. She's an all-around great gal and some these photos are from her art show last weekend, some are from Y.O.B.S. and some are just of things a came up on while on walk-about.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Sunny Sealeopard and Walk-About Junction
One of the friends I've made since been in the desert is named Sunny Sealeopard. She is a very humany woman with a very animally name. She is an OG member of Y.O.B.S. which is a bicycle co-op and a D.I.Y. show space in these neck of the woods. There's really no woods, that's just an expression. Anyways, Sealeopard is also in a band called The Teeets. She's an all-around great gal and some these photos are from her art show last weekend, some are from Y.O.B.S. and some are just of things a came up on while on walk-about.
Sunny Sealeopard,
The Teets